Homeology - The Art & Science of Interior Style

Creating a great looking room is all about Homeology the art and science of interior style.

At Escapology we believe in helping people break free from the mundane. So we developed Homeology to help you achieve a look in your home that is a cut above. How do we do that? We are rigourous in our product selection to ensure our collections are different. While some people are happy having the very same things as their neighbours, bought from the very same soulless stores, we are here to serve those who are not.

Homeology - the art and science of interior style

What is Homeology?

Homeology is our approach to curating our collections and it forms the framework that we use to derive our look and style. It is something that helps us make sure that our products work together making it easier for you, our customers, to achieve a stylish, coherent, look in your home.

But it is more than that. Homeology is part of our ethos. It ensures we remain to true to our distinct style - a style that is modern, timeless, and eye-catching.

We could be just another retailer that just sells whatever they think will sell the most. Selling things that are 'on trend' this year but will look dated next. We could. But where is the satisfaction in that!

We are more than that. We are building a lifestyle, a way to live that is beautiful, relaxing, and stylish.

Why is Homeology art & science?

A great looking interior needs both art & science. Science to apply the rules that help interior design look stunning - colour theory, space planning, etc. Art comes in as to deliver a really stunning look, human instinct is required. The ability to instinctively know what will look great is what makes the science work to its maximum and is essential to avoid sterile and over designed looks.